Hollows of Lordran (Version 34)

Author: xeuorux Date: 2017-07-24 23:20:47 Stage: Finishing Download for desktop

Polish to prepare for a draft event happening today on the /r/custommagic discord server.

Change log: * Added A Knight’s Protection. * Added Giant Spider. * Added Murakumo. * Removed A Knight’s Duty. * Removed Curved Greatsword. * Removed Massive Spider. * Changed Lady of the Way. * Changed Darkmoon Spirit. * Changed Darkroot Bandit. * Changed Darkroot Sorcerer. * Changed Delve the Ruins. * Changed Revisit. * Changed Consumed By Chaos. * Changed Fall From Favor. * Changed Primordial Serpent. * Changed Throne of the Dark Lord. * Changed Daughter of Chaos. * Changed Great Fireball. * Changed Student of Chaos. * Changed Darkroot Ambusher. * Changed Guardian of Oolacile. * Changed Gwynevere, Bountiful Sun. * Changed Paladin of the Tomb. * Changed Vinheim Master.