Hollows of Lordran (Version 33)

Author: xeuorux Date: 2017-07-23 02:58:32 Stage: Finishing

General polish from last update. Changed the cycle of 10 multicolor noncreature spells at rare to now be monocolor to make the rares more normal (since there are still 10 rare multicolor legends). Also orchestrated more changes to the UB archetype (back again as focusing on self-mill) and GW (now no longer about lifegain just about flexible creatures).

Change log: * Added Seath’s Betrayal. * Added Darkroot Hunter. * Added Guardian of Oolacile. * Added Massive Spider. * Added Paladin of the Tomb. * Added Hollow Archtree. * Removed Justice for the Sinful. * Removed March of the Undead. * Removed Forest Hunter. * Removed Giant Spider. * Removed Stone Guardian. * Removed Betrayer’s Pact. * Removed Golden Paladin. * Changed Balder Knight. * Changed Darkmoon Blade. * Changed Firekeeper’s Robes. * Changed Gwyn’s Desperation. * Changed A Knight’s Duty. * Changed Prayer of Healing. * Changed Ranging Paladin. * Changed Way of White Cleric. * Changed Way of White Phantom. * Changed Darkmoon Spirit. * Changed Darkroot Sorcerer. * Changed Delve the Ruins. * Changed Petrification. * Changed Ruin Haunt. * Changed Valley Drake. * Changed Vinheim Agent. * Changed Asylum Demon. * Changed Consumed By Chaos. * Changed Decaying Dragon. * Changed Decaying Hollow. * Changed Fall From Favor. * Changed Throne of the Dark Lord. * Changed Vinheim Saboteur. * Changed Linking the Flame. * Changed Power Within. * Changed Birth from Blight. * Changed Darkroot Ambusher. * Changed Darkroot Foliage. * Changed Seeker Sage. * Changed Spewing Basilisk. * Changed Strange Encounter. * Changed Priest of Sin. * Changed Smough, Grisly Executioner. * Changed Vinheim Master. * Changed Ancient Stone Dragon. * Changed Firelink Shrine.